What’s new in the Spring release of ipushpull?

release of ipushpull

Live collaboration between applications, live charts, and multi-tiled workspaces



The new release of the ipushpull Excel Add-in is easier to use and importantly allows you to share live charts! The ipushpull Excel Add-in allows you to collaborate in real-time with other desktop Excel users while also connecting to other applications such as the ipushpull Web App, interactive web pages or chat applications like Symphony and Slack.



With the new version of ipushpull you can now copy and paste data directly into the Web App from other applications making ipushpull even easier to use. You can also now display live updating charts and other live content in the ipushpull Web App, in connected applications or embedded in your WordPress site or other website.




ipushpull is excited to launch Workspaces to our beta testing customers. Rather than switching between pages in your ipushpull Web App, you can now view multiple pages as tiles in a configurable live Workspace, retaining all the features of the ipushpull Web App.

Workspaces also allows new content types to be displayed such as  live updating charts generated from our new Excel add-in, PDFs or presentations, and even live streaming audio or video. Everything you need in one manageable space with the same reliable permissions.


release of ipushpull


Sign up today for a free ipushpull trial or get a quote with our sales team.



ipushpull at Symphony Innovate 2017

Symphony Innovate

The ipushpull team is excited to be heading to New York for the annual Symphony Innovate conference on October 4th 2017. Come and visit us at our booth for a demo of our popular Symphony integration and find out more about how our customers are using it. And don’t miss our CEO, Matthew Cheung, participating in the Operations Panel alongside

Symphony innovate - Matthew Cheung

other thought leaders from the technology and investment banking worlds, discussing how Symphony’s technology is optimising communications internally and between financial institutions.

#SI2017 Symphony Innovate – The Event Itself

Symphony Innovate 2017 is a one-day conference led by Symphony, in which industry-leading technology and financial executives, engineers and thought leaders from around the world are brought together to discuss how technology enables the ‘power of community’ for the financial services industry. The event will see executives from leading technology firms and investment banks such as Google and Goldman Sachs, take the stage alongside executives from FinTech firms such as ipushpull.

At Symphony Innovate ipushpull will showcase its Symphony app, which combines secure enterprise messaging with live data sharing and collaboration. Whilst Symphony provides an alternative to email and outdated, expensive enterprise messaging applications, ipushpull provides a replacement for file sharing and email attachments and facilitates easy-to-use cross-platform data sharing and collaboration.

About ipushpull

ipushpull is a secure cloud service for sharing and collaborating on live data which links directly into the apps our customers already use, including Microsoft Excel, Symphony, websites and mobile. We help our customers to:

  • Improve workflow: by sharing data and removing the need to share files, users can work on data inside of existing applications they use – which means no application context switching or version control problems
  • Increase efficiency: improving collaboration and communication by always having access to the most up-to-date information
  • Reduce risk: eliminating the risks of file sharing by controlling, tracking, and reducing email attachments

The partnership with Symphony means ipushpull is embedded within the Symphony messaging platform. The ipushpull app for Symphony lets you share data with your Symphony network, collaborate on it, and link it in real time to your spreadsheets, databases, cloud services and internal systems.

About Symphony

Founded in 2014, Symphony is a secure, cloud-based, messaging and collaboration platform with a $1 billion+ valuation and over 200,000 users. Symphony has been backed by major investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley, and has become hugely popular amongst financial institutions across the globe. Security and compliance is at the core of the platform while end users benefit from improved workflow efficiency by replacing email communication and legacy chat platforms.

Since its founding, Symphony has allowed its partners to integrate HTML5 applications within its platform, thus enabling developers to build rich user experiences, and facilitate collaboration whilst minimising context switching. The ipushpull App extends Symphony’s capabilities by enabling users to collaborate on data within the platform in real-time.


Brand New iPushPull Platform Coming Soon

At iPushPull we work hard to improve our services and we are happy to announce that later this week we are launching a fresh new look for our live data sharing platform. The iPushPull platform 2.0 not only unifies our web-app, website and social media, but also benefits our users with new exciting features.

Here are the changes we have made with this update:


Future plans for the new iPushPull platform

The good news doesn’t end there. Our team is currently building an upgraded version of the desktop Excel add-in, with new functions. Keep an eye out for this exciting new update. As always, we hope you keep enjoying using iPushPull and we welcome any suggestions for improvements.

Display live data from Excel spreadsheets in your WordPress website or blog

ipushpull now lets you embed live, updating data from your desktop Excel spreadsheets in your WordPress website or blog! Whether you’ve a price list that you want to publish every morning, or finance data that changes every few seconds, we’ve made it incredibly easy to send this data directly from your desktop Excel spreadsheet to your site. You don’t need to save the Excel spreadsheet and upload it every time you make a change, and your website visitors don’t need to refresh the page to see updates. With ipushpull it’s automatic, in just a few easy steps.

Live Demo

The blog you’re reading is powered by WordPress, so it’s the ideal place for a demo. Here’s a simulated stock portfolio, updating every few seconds:

This portfolio is being updated by a desktop Excel spreadsheet running at ipushpull HQ down in the Silicon Basement. The data you’re looking at is updated every time the source sheet changes. The formatting and styles are being captured from the original Excel source, and this page also includes some links to other iPushPull pages, letting you drill down from the summary to the details. So you can build a hierarchy of live data pages as complex or simple as you like, using the tools that you already use, and publish them live in your website. There’s no development required. This is what we like to do at ipushpull – take the tools you love, like Excel and WordPress, and link them together to make difficult jobs simple.

Other Features

Make your data Public or keep it Private

The demonstration page displayed above is a public page, so anyone who visits your site will be able to see it. But you can also use ipushpull’s access control features to restrict access to your data, meaning that your site’s visitors will only be able to access the data by entering a password. Keep a price list private for priority customers, or publish individual pages for all your clients and embed them in your site with no development required on your side.

Display data from any application, not just Excel

If your data’s in Microsoft Excel, the ipushpull WordPress plugin now lets you get it onto your website. We’re also working on new integrations (watch this space for our Google Sheets add-in). But remember that ipushpull is an open platform and you can use our APIs to integrate it with any system or online service.

Not just WordPress

If you don’t use WordPress for your website you can still embed ipushpull pages in it. See this page in our Support Centre for details.

How to do it

The ipushpull WordPress plugin lets you embed pages in your site with a single line of code. For more details visit the ipushpull WordPress plugin page in the WordPress plugin directory. It includes full instructions about installing and using the plugin, but if you need further help please visit the ipushpull Support Centre or email support@ipushpull.com.

Start using ipushpull today by signing up for a free trial.

iPushPull Update: New Dashboard plus improved navigation and editing

We’ve been busy improving the iPushPull user experience and now we’re ready to go public with the new updates! This release adds a new dashboard to our web app with quick access to support and the latest company news. We’ve also made it easier to navigate around your folders and pages and improved page editing on our desktop and mobile sites. We’ve added comprehensive help for each new iPushPull update to the iPushPull Support Site.

New Dashboard

Several customers have asked us if we could make it easier to access support, product update information and company news from within the web app. So we’ve added a new dashboard to the site – see the picture above. The dashboard features quick links to useful support information plus the latest company news and tweets. You can also customise the dashboard by adding shortcuts to your favourite pages. Click on the following links to find out more about the Desktop Dashboard and Mobile Dashboard.

The dashboard will be displayed each time you log in, unless you choose your default folder and page instead (see this link for instructions about setting defaults). You can also display the dashboard by clicking the Home button in the top left corner of the web app.

New Navigation Bar

Our new Navigation Bar groups links to the dashboard, your personal profile settings and our support pages together in a single place. On desktop you can find it on the top left of the screen, under the iPushPull logo – for full details click here. On mobile it’s displayed at the top of your Folder List and Page List screens – click here for details.

Improved Navigation between your Folders and Pages

We’ve made it easier to drill down into your pages and move back up to your folder list. This is particularly useful when you have access to more than one folder or when you’re using our mobile site. Details about the desktop site here and the mobile site here.

Easier Page Editing

We’ve reduced the number of steps you need to take when editing your pages, and simplified the edit menu without reducing functionality. The result is a more streamlined experience, particularly when you’re using the mobile app. For more details click here for the desktop site and here for mobile.

We hope you like these improvements as much as we do! If you have any questions or comments you can reach us at support@ipushpull.com.

iPushPull Update – Simple Page Access Management

We had to smile when Dropbox recently announced that they’d finally added User Groups support to their business package, as iPushPull has featured User Group access control from Day One. It makes it easy to manage the access each team within a business has to different pages – when a new team member joins, just add them to the team group, and when someone leaves, remove them. It’s a feature that’s very popular with our enterprise customers as it enables them to model their iPushPull page permissions directly on their organisational structure.

However, we thought that it might be a bit heavyweight for our smaller customers, so we spoke to some of them and came up with the new feature that we’ve released today: Basic Page Access Mode.


Basic Page Access mode simplifies the management of user access for businesses with a smaller number of users and pages. Page access permissions are displayed in a matrix showing which user has access to which page, and what level of access they have (Read/Write, Read Only or no access at all). Each square on the grid can be toggled between the three states by clicking it (or tapping it on mobile). The Transpose button lets you switch the horizontal and vertical axes if it better suits your particular set up.

Basic Access mode is now the default for customers on the Free Trial and Business plans. Enterprise users will be able to switch between Basic and Enterprise modes using the Page Access Mode dropdown on the Folder settings tab:



Note that your Enterprise mode settings are retained when you switch to Basic mode, and vice versa, so you can return to them by switching back. If you have any questions please contact our support team at support@ipushpull.com.

iPushPull Website Update – Templates!

We’ve added templates to the latest version of iPushPull. Once you’ve created a page layout that you want to use frequently (e.g. an invoice or a report) you can designate it to be a template. Then the next time you create a new page you can pre-populate it from your saved layout.

Designating a Page to be a Template

iPushPull_template_checkTo indicate that a page can be used as a template, go to the Page Settings tab and check the This page is a template box and click Save Settings. Anyone who is a folder administrator can now create new pages based on this template.

 Creating a Page from a Template


Sharp-eyed users may already have noticed the change we’ve made to the Create Page form that lets you do this. If you want to create an empty page, just enter the new page name and hit return or click the plus sign as usual. If you want to create a page based on a template, enter your new page name, click the down arrow and select Create from template instead.

When you select this a list of all the templates you have access to is displayed (see below). This list will include system-wide templates that we have created for you plus any templates you have access to from the folders you are a member of. We’re going to be adding more templates as we go along so keep checking to see the new arrivals. I’m particularly excited about the daily sudoku template – watch this space…


As usual if you have any questions or comments please contact us at support@ipushpull.com.

iPushPull Website Update – Referrals and Folder Access Control

folder_admin_buttonWe’ve made it easier for you to invite new or existing iPushPull users to share your folders. To invite someone new, click on the gearwheel to the left of the Folder name – this displays the folder admin view. Now click on the Access tab.

The Access view lets you control who has access to your folder. You can:

  • invite new users to your folder
  • grant or revoke folder admin rights
  • temporarily suspend user access to your folder
  • permanently remove a user’s access to your folder

You can also see the status of your invitations and view a history of folder events.


To invite one or more users to your folder, enter their email addresses (separated by commas) into the Invite field at the top of the page. You can add a custom message if you like. When you click the Invite button we will email an invitation to them. If they accept it they will be granted access to the folder and any pages you have given them access to. They can also reject the invitation if they want to. You’ll be able to check their progress in the Access History log on the right of the page.

If you have questions or comments, please contact support@ipushpull.com